Alpha Japanese Language School in London since 1999
Alpha Japanese Language School
Weekday 9am-9pm / Saturday 9am-5pm

Courses & Classes

bullet New classes will start as soon as we have enough students.
 Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require a day or time not listed.

Complete beginners class
Hobby course

  • Levels:Beginner
  • Class sizes: Group (Maximum 7)
  • Classes held: From 1 lesson per week (available Mon-Sat)
  • Textbooks:Minna no Nihongo 1 
bullet This class is for complete beginners and those who want to learn Japanese grammar from scratch. The course is short (only 10 lessons) and is therefore recommended for those who want to experience Japanese language lessons easily.
bullet This course will be held irregularly, so please check the special page for details. We are currently recruiting students for the spring course which starts in March.

▼ Course fee

Only conversation class
Hobby course

  • Levels:Beginner ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes:Private / Group (Maximum 7)
  • Classes held: Irregularly scheduled
  • Textbooks:N/A
bullet This is a conversation-based class. No specific textbook is used, but students learn conversational expressions based on a predetermined topic.
bullet Please check our special page for the next dates.

Travel japanese class
Hobby course

  • Levels:Beginner ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes:Private / Semi-Private
  • Classes held: Irregularly scheduled
bullet Before you actually go to Japan, you learn the Japanese that you need when travelling. You will be able to respond to various situations such as airport, hotel, restaurant and sightseeing.
bullet If you take this course with your family or friends, your trip will be much more enjoyable.

▼ Private lesson fee
▼ Semi-Private lesson fee

MANGA reading class
Hobby course

  • Levels:Beginner ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes: Small Group (Maximum 5)
  • Classes held: Coming soon
  • Textbooks:Manga
bullet Using manga as a textbook, students learn Japanese grammar and expressions.

▼ Group lesson fee

Career related japanese class
Professional course

  • Levels: Elementary ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes:Private / Small Group (Maximum 5)
  • Classes held: From 1 lesson per week (available Mon-Sat)
  • Textbooks:
bullet For all learners who have already studied Japanese. Brush up your Japanese language skills by continuing to study.
bullet If you have learnt Japanese before and are unsure of your current skills, this class will help you to recall them.

▼ Private lesson fee
▼ Group lesson fee

Newspaper reading class
Professional course

  • Levels: Intermediate ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes:Private / Small Group (Maximum 5)
  • Classes held: From 1 lesson per week (available Thu)
  • Textbooks:Newspapers
bullet The course uses newspaper articles to develop reading and speaking skills. These materials will help you to learn a living language.

▼ Private lesson fee
▼ Group lesson fee

Business japanese class
Professional course

  • Levels:Pre-Intermediate ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes:Private / Small Group (Maximum 5)
  • Classes held: From 1 lesson per week (available Mon-Sat)
  • Textbooks:
bullet In this class, students will learn about various scenes in a Japanese company with the goal of being able to use the correct honorifics in appropriate situations. For example, you can respond by email or phone, introduce yourself to customers, and use appropriate language for subordinates and supervisors.

▼ Private lesson fee
▼ Group lesson fee

JLPT preparation
Academic course

  • Levels: Elementary ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes:Private / Small Group (Maximum 5)
  • Classes held: From 1 lesson per week (available Wed)
  • Textbooks:
bullet This course is specially designed to prepare students for the JLPT.
bullet In class, the main focus is on grammar, reading and listening comprehension.
bullet Apart from this course, we also offer a question and answer only class before the exam. Please contact us for details.

▼ Private lesson fee
▼ Group lesson fee

Full time / Intensive class
Academic course

  • Levels:Beginner ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes:Small Group (Maximum 5)
  • Classes held: 5days per week
bullet This course is for those who wish to concentrate on their Japanese language studies. Five weekdays, three hours (or two hours) of study per day.
bullet The course can be custom-made in terms of materials used and content of study. Please contact us for more details.

▼ Group lesson fee

KANJI class
Academic course

  • Levels:Beginner ~ Advanced
  • Class sizes: Small Group (Maximum 5)
  • Classes held: Coming soon

Level check

  • Consultation & Level check
  • 15 ~ 20 min
  • For those who wish to take GROUP LESSONS
  • *After a level check to see which class is suitable for you,
    you can try the class for free.

Trial lesson

  • Consultation & Trial lesson
  • 45 min
  • For those who wish to take PRIVATE LESSONS
Could you please contact to us via email