Alpha Japanese Language School in London since 1999
Alpha Japanese Language School
Weekday 9am-9pm / Saturday 9am-5pm



There are no timetables on the website. Can you tell me when the next course starts?

bullet There are no specific starting dates for most classes—you can join an ongoing class of your level at anytime. As for complete beginner’s course, we start a new class whenever four new students have signed up, which happened once a month on average. Please contact us for the starting date of next 'Friday Beginners'

What levels do you teach?

bullet We offer classes for all levels, from complete beginners to the advanced.

How do I pay for the tuition fees?

bullet Most our classes operate a pre-paid, pay-as-you-go system. You have a choice to pay for a block of 10, 20 or more lessons, which means you do not lose money when you cancel your lesson. (N/B Cancellations must be made by 6pm (Saturday 4pm) on the previous working day of your scheduled lesson.) You can pay in cash, by cheque and bank transfer.

If I pay in advance for 40 lessons for example, do I have to finish all the lessons within a limited period of time?

bullet Yes, the lessons you have paid for must be taken within two years. Two years is a long time, but you may change your course to use up your lessons, e.g. from group lessons to private lessons.

Are your students taught by more than one teacher?

bullet One teacher is in a class at the time. However, usually two or three teachers teach a class in turns as we think it is more beneficial to our students.

Are your teachers native speakers?

bullet Yes, all of our teacher are qualified, well-trained native speakers. We are proud of them.

How do you teach Japanese?

bullet Our teaching method is the Direct Method, which is teaching Japanese in Japanese. Don’t worry if you don’t know a single Japanese word! Our teachers are well trained and we and also our students believe this is the most effective way to learn Japanese.

Do you use textbooks?

bullet Yes. For beginners 'Minna no Nihongo 1' , and for the elementary, 'Minna no Nihongo 2'. After this level, various textbooks are used depending on the student’s needs.


bullet 当校での採用に関してはこちらをご確認ください。

Student feedback

How do you like the lessons at Alpha Japanese Language School?
We asked our students.
bullet Happy students