Alpha Japanese Language School in London since 1999
Alpha Japanese Language School
Weekday 9am-9pm / Saturday 9am-5pm

Course fees


Group lesson

1 lesson

( 2 hours )
 Total price
  • £60

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

10 lessons

( 20 hours )
 Total price
  • £468

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

20 lessons

( 40 hours )
 Total price
  • £840

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

40 lessons

( 80 hours )
 Total price
  • £1584

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.


Private lesson

1 hour


10 hours

 Total price
  • £492

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

20 hours

 Total price
  • £936

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

40 hours

 Total price
  • £1680

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.


Semi-Private lesson

1 hour


10 hours

 Total price
  • £588

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

20 hours

 Total price
  • £1128

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

40 hours

 Total price
  • £2160

  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.


Complete Beginners

Lunchtime lessons

  • Weekday lunch time
  • 45min x 10 lessons
  • Max 7 people
 Next schedule & Details
  • Time : 12:15 – 13:00
  • Monday class : July  22nd ~
  • Tuesday class : July  23rd ~
  • No lessons on public holidays
  • non-regular course
  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.

Evening / Weekend lessons

  • Weekday evening / Saturday morning
  • 2 hours x 10 lessons
  • Max 7 people
 Next schedule & Details
  • Monday class (18:30~20:30): July  22nd ~
  • Friday class (18:30~20:30): July  26th ~
  • Saturday class (9:00~11:00): July  27th ~
  • No lessons on public holidays
  • non-regular course
  • An registration fee is required for the first time only.


Full-time / Intensive

Full-time class

3hours/d x 5days/w
  • Weekday, Flexible hours
  • Max 3 people
  • From 20 weeks (300 hours)
  • Courses available at any time
  • Please contact us for more information on tuition fees.

Intensive class

2hours/d x 5days/w
  • Weekday, Flexible hours
  • Max 3 people
  • Available from 1 week (10 hours)
  • Courses available at any time
  • Please contact us for more information on tuition fees.


Free trial & Level check

Level check

  • Consultation & Level check
  • 15 ~ 20 min
  • For those who wish to take GROUP LESSONS

Trial lesson

  • Consultation & Trial lesson
  • 45 min
  • For those who wish to take PRIVATE LESSONS

Application fee

Only new students will be charged an application fee.
Regular : £72 ⇒ Summer Promotion £36